List of Mustika Pearls/Bezoar
Stones |
Silver Lockets for Mustika Pearls |
Notice: Due to certain circumstances, we are withholding the Agent-program for now.
We present two classifications or systems for your participation in our magickal mustika/bezoar stones business and you can assume either one to promote, market and make profits from our mustika pearls--we classify these methods as "reseller" and "agent."
Resellers or private collectors may purchase mustika-pearls in bulk at discounted/wholesale prices, payment to be made in full with orders. Resellers may sell the bezoar stones/magickal pearls at standard cost or mark-up prices of the pearls at their own discretion and sell them online/offline to clients and customers. Resellers operate individually and receive no direct technical support from us nor function under our banner. Information from Bezoarmustikapearls.com may be appropriated and conveyed and communicated verbally for presentation and promotion purposes though publication of direct content in any form whatsoever and duplication of any pages or elements of Bezoarmustikapearls.com (or sister/affiliated sites) on any website is strictly forbidden. Resellers have the advantage of directing the affairs of their marketing and administration operation without any obligation or advice from us. Resellers assume full responsibility of all aspects of their marketing efforts and Bezoarmustikapearls.com holds no liability or obligation towards resellers. Resellers are free to incorporate other sources of pearls in their businesses.
Agents function fully under the banner of Bezoarmustikapearls.com and are obliged to follow strictly its terms and conditions as set forth in private communications. Agents receive a 15% commission regardless of the pearl/service sold--special accounts will be created for agents to monitor the growth of their accumulated commissions. Commissions are transferred to agents when requested--minus transfer charges. Agents are not required to purchase bezoar stones/pearls as these are drop-shipped directly to clients/customers. Agents' sole expenditure is in covering the cost for the creation of their own website that may duplicate the contents of Bezoarmustikapearls.com; expenses includes maintenance and promotion. Agents may choose to market offline, by word of mouth as an alternative. Orders and payments for pearls are forwarded to the director/administrator of Bezoarmustikapearls.com.
Serious inquirers for the above opportunities may contact us for more information on details, terms and conditions:
Bezoarmustikapearls.com reserve the right to add, delete, or modify the definitions of "reseller" and "agent" including the Terms and Conditions governing such at any given moment without notice and these are valid the moment the changes are made electronically or otherwise.
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